Case Studies

Case Studies

Cutting Edge Stuff

With our daily lives becoming busier than ever before, permanently removing a chore from the endless ‘to-do’ list, is an enticing opportunity!
A prominent North East Company are paving the way with their robotic lawnmowers. Imagine freeing up your time and energy, and instead of slogging away to get the perfect lawn like Peter at number 23, you can watch your lawn be manicured to perfection. It’s that simple.

Here is the technical stuff:

The robotic lawnmower has the following key features:

  • Automatic charging – it docks itself!
  • Covers all garden shapes.
  • Daily mowing & mulching setting means no grass cuttings.
  • Safety – highly sensitive sensor & stop button & lift sensor which stops blades if picked up.
  • Ideal for slopes – up to 25% gradient.
  • Security – pin number to use & an alarm if moved.

So where do we fit in? Our infra-red heating elements are used in the powder coating process when they are painted in their signature colour. We’re proud to be involved in this innovative product. If you’re engaged in product development and need an experienced partner to help optimise your manufacturing process then drop us a line.

Cutting edge

Proud to be British

With the new £10 note coming into circulation next month, we are proud to say we were a vital part of it coming into production (and its predecessor, the £5 note). A five-figure deal secured the future production of the latest bank note to be released by the Bank of England.

So how did we contribute? We were called upon for our thermodynamic expertise, to manufacture specialized heaters that form part of the production line, which were vital for the creation of the polymer notes.

What’s so special about the new £10 note? Well, firstly Jane Austen will be the new face, she is the first female author to appear on English currency, and its release marks the 200th anniversary of her death.

The note is also designed to help blind or partially sighted people with raised dots in the top left hand corner. It is cleaner, safer and stronger than paper notes and provides enhanced counterfeit resilience with numerous security features in place. Go to to learn more about the note and Jane’s legacy.

Ten pounds

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